Website/Marketing Release - 2/19/2018

  • Craigslist/eBay Calls Available for Review and Lead Creation
    Dealers utilizing our Cragislist/eBay add-on often receive large numbers of phone calls originating from listings posted to Craigslist, etc. Until now those calls have been buried within the Craigslist interface; we are now making these calls (leads) more visible in the lead manager area.

    Classified will now appear within the 'Calls' tile (DX1) or 'Call Management' area (CMP). Any Dealership with the add-on will have the Calls area automatically enabled. Classified calls will appear in the same format as the existing Toll-Free calls; available caller information is displayed in the list, audio recordings may be reviewed, and working sales may be created directly from the Call screen.

  • Reassign Leads When Deactivating a User
    Previously, deactiving a User with open leads assigned to them required leaving the Users screen and reassigning leads manually in lead manager or by using the 'Transfer Open leads' option in Lead Settings.

    We will now allow reassignment of activities within a popup that will display after unchecking the 'Active' box and selecting 'Save' on the Users screen.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Compare Models' option did not function correctly in website edit mode
  • Fixed an issue where default answers were not being applied in the website form builder
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Select Files' button resulted in an error in the website Slideshow module
  • Fixed an issue where a Finance Application would not print when a custom 'Marital Status' option was used on the website form
  • Updated customer account information screens to allow entry of private zip codes with alphabetic characters

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